Wednesday, February 20, 2013


 Text and pictures by: Francesco Rocco

Nzulezu is a traditional village starter over 500 years ago situated in the Jomoro district, in the Western Region of the Ghana, next to Beyin, around 90 west km of Takoradi. The village raises in the middle of Tadane lake, and it is a solid construction of wood and raffia, with a central way, entirely constituted of stilts. In 2000 it bacame a Human's Patrimony and it is an important tourist attraction of the zone.

The name "Nzulezu", in language Nzema, means "the water's surface." According to the local legends, the village was built by a group of people coming from Walata, a city of the ancient Empire Ghana, that came on following a snail. It is not known for what reason the village has been built on the water; the principal activity of its inhabitants is in fact the agriculture, while the fishing develops a secondary role.

The lake is perceived from the local population as a protection from some dangers (for example from the fires).

The village has run to become Patrimony of the humanity for its anthropological importance: besides being one of the few ancient installations on stilts remained in the world, it keeps a great wealth of local traditions tied to the cult of the lake. Along the banks of the Tadane lake, many religious rites are praticed and the Thursday, the holy day of the lake, it is forbidden to work.

The only way to reach Nzulezu village is by canoe, along the Amansuri River. The journey last around one hour with the help of good guide and you pass through many differents and amazings landscapes. Once you arrive, you can probably feel a little bit unwelcome, the people appear to have grown somewhat tired of strangers tramping throught their small community and most of all if you want to take some pictures is always better to ask before!

The population of the village is roughly 450 men, women and children governed by a chief and a “Princess” who is the only one who can answer to your questions and explain you the inhabitants situation and what about their lifestyle. Do not come empty-handed, donations are requirement.

Nzulezu has two churches, Pentecostal and Catholic, that stand side by side and a primary school at the end of the main walkway. At the moment this school has 5 teachers for 72 students. There are also two guest houses if you want to spend here the night. There is no access to healthcare within the village, the inhabitants must reach the nearest town for medical treatment. Pregnant women sometimes choose to take a canoe and then a bus to reach the nearest town with a hospital, while others give birth in the stilt village without any assistance from medical professionals but a traditional birth attendant.
For the food, the population of Nzulezu is composed by fishermen and agriculturists who fertile fields that lie about a 1km in the north of the lake, providing a major part of the village food supply.
The residents of Nzulezu had access to electicity seven months ago.

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